IW KANTAR Intelli Weighbridge Smart Weighbridge Automation

Jun 3, 2021

IW KANTAR Intelli Weighbridge Smart Weighbridge Automation

Jun 3, 2021

RFID Scale Automation Purpose

UHF RFID Weighbridge Automation, which was first implemented by Teknopalas in Turkey, enables the weighing of all carrier vehicles, routing, receiving load and driver information, ensuring weighing security, online data transfer to the central system and administrative reporting processes to be carried out unmanned, that is, without the need for an operator.

RFID Weighbridge Automation Features


Stickers affixed to vehicle windows cannot change hands between vehicles. Higgs4 chips, which are accepted by independent test organizations as the world’s best chip with high protection factor against UV light and increased security, which lose their functions when removed from the vehicle glass, are used.


In the system, the antennas do not need to see the tag, TPS RFID vehicle tags placed on the glass can be detected within the coverage area even if they are not seen by the antennas. This coverage area can be changed between 1-15 meters in line with the needs.
Central Management Module The system is designed to control 10 scales at the same time without delay.

IP Camera

The system can provide IP camera support that can be integrated into every scale at the same time. Weighing records of each vehicle weighed on the scale are matched with video or photo records.

rfid akıllı kantar sistemi

Reportable Photo Recording Module

The moment of weighing is associated with the image values of the vehicle, the driver and the load, allowing visual tracking of past weighings.

Automatic Drive Control

The system reads the driver card of each driver passing through the scale and takes it under control together with the camera recording. Thus, unauthorized shift changes between drivers are taken under control.


All data written and read during the 24/7 operation of the system has always managed to be as consistent and reliable as the day it was first installed.

Web Based Reporting

The system allows authorized users to report via internet browsers without the need to install any program.

Durable System

It must have a structure that will continue to operate in all weather conditions and adverse environmental conditions without loss of performance.

Receipt Printing

Labor is saved by eliminating manual data entry.

RFID Weighbridge Automation Working Principle

The vehicle enters the scale. The tare weight information of the vehicle is read and the data is transferred to the main computer. The RFID tag on the vehicle is automatically detected by the RFID reader and the vehicle identification information is read from the screen. The RFID tag of the driver is automatically detected by the RFID reader and the driver information is read from the screen. The RFID software checks the driver and vehicle information from an internal list. If the vehicle and driver information is valid, it reads the weight and stores the weighing record. All stages of the weighing process, start and end information are notified to the driver with relevant messages on the led display. If camera option is added, photos of the vehicle at the time of weighing are saved in the weighing database file.

RFID Weighbridge Automation Usage Areas


Solid Waste Transfer & Storage Centers When the silos arriving at the transfer stations stop on the scale, the license plate information is automatically sent to the central scale automation software and weighing is performed without any user intervention.

How the system works;

– High-security RFID chips are placed in all silos at the transfer stations and in the windows of the transfer vehicles.  • RFID reader units on the platforms recognize vehicles approaching the platform.
• Recognition is carried out by chips in vehicle windows, RFID units placed on platforms and control software.
• The RFID system detects that the vehicle parked on the platform has completed its movement and turns the lights of the led panels on the platforms green. The system sends the information of the vehicle approaching the platform to the software.
• When the vehicle filling process is completed and the vehicle starts to leave the platform, the RFID system detects this situation and turns the lights of the led panels red.

Excavation Storage Areas

In the light of science, technology, zoning, urbanization, earthquake and urban transformation issues, the issue of solid waste, especially solid waste and recycling in the urban transformation process, is extremely important in terms of building a healthy environment and sustainable living spaces in our country.

Excavation Waste Measurement-Direction

Automation is the technology that enables the reduction, collection, temporary accumulation, transportation, recovery, utilization and disposal of excavated soil and construction and demolition wastes in a fast and controlled manner without harming the environment.

Waste Paper Collection Centers

Within the scope of automation, weighing and analysis of all scrap paper purchased in an integrated manner with weighbridge automation, tracking and administrative reporting processes can be provided.
Thanks to the RFID tags to be affixed to the windows of all vehicles carrying scrap paper, automatically identified vehicles will be weighed unmanned, and the analysis processes of all scrap paper purchased after the weighing process will be recorded and monitored and controlled.